Saturday, 9 November 2013

Majorca (1565)

Map of Majorca, an spanish island located in the Mediterranean Sea, the largest island in the Balearic Islands archipelago. The map is oriented with west at the top (ponente) and the east at the bottom (levante). Several towns are named and is beautifully decorated with sailing ships.

Titled "De Maiorca insula" (about the island of Majorca), was made by the venetian engraver Ferrando Bertelli, one of a group of 16th century Italian map makers often referred to as "Lafreri School," named for the Roman mapmaker and publisher Antoni Lafreri, who assembled composite atlases of maps published by himself and other Italian mapmakers and added his title page to some examples. Lafreri maps are often among the earliest obtainable modern maps of various regions of the world.

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